SETEC Vehicle To Home system 3 kW

  • Intro
  • SETEC Vehicle To Home system 3 kW

CHAdeMO To Home

Output Power: 3KW/Single Phase

EVs as power sources for living

"Vehicle to Home" is a system that allows you to supply your home with the energy stored in a Nissan LEAF's battery.

By  charging up a Nissan LEAF at night when there is more capacity for  electrical supply and then using that electricity as the daytime power  source for a household, the system helps alleviate consumption of power  in peak periods when demand is highest. Further, it can also be  leveraged as backup power supply for emergencies.

Household power can be supplied from a Nissan LEAF lithium-ion  battery by installing a PCS (Power Control System) connected to the  household's distribution board, while plugged into the Nissan LEAF DC  quick charge port.

To use the electricity stored in the Nissan  LEAF lithium-ion battery as household power it is necessary to convert  the DC high-voltage electricity to AC 100-260V. The Nissan LEAF EV  lithium-ion battery has large capacity and high reliability, meaning it  can provide a stable power supply.

3kW Vehicle To Home V2H Benefits

Manage electricity costs:

Consumers  can charge the battery in their Nissan LEAF™ at night when electricity  prices are cheaper and use it during on-peak periods when rates are  higher.

Environmental responsibility:

The Nissan LEAF™  electric vehicle has no internal-combustion engine and no tailpipe,  meaning it produces no carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gas emissions.  When they charge the battery, owners can do so knowing that almost all  of Ontario’s electricity is generated from clean sources.

EV Power Station : Specifications

Input voltage range: Maximum DC 450V

Conversion efficiency: 92% or moreInput current range: DC 0-30A 

Output voltage: AC 100-260V (±6%), 50Hz / 60Hz, Single phase

Output current range: AC 0-30A

Peak power output: 3-6kW

SETEC Vehicle To Home system 3 kW

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